How to use Segments in Google Analytics?
Why should you be using Segments in GA?
Looking at all of your Google Analytics data at once sucks like a sour lemon. If you don’t segment the data, you’ll never find the good, the bad, or the wonderful.
Plus, we all know that your customers take different journeys on your awesome website, so you want to know how your marketing channels perform, and how to find your best customers, as well as how to enhance channels and help customers that are struggling.
How will this resource help you?
Segments are also useful because they allow you to dig deep into questions. Questions that are likely going to appear in your mind as you get on with the business of looking at your reports.
For example. In our module on the reporting interface, one of the demo use cases we talked about looked at demographics. We found that whilst we had more male users, the ladies spent more. So you may start to think, what did they buy? What cities are they from? What marketing channels brought them in? What content did they look at?
To get those answers you could create a Segment to only show users that match the demographic dimensions and metrics that are of interest to you.
This template will explain why you should get excited about Segments, the Pro’s and Con’s of Segments. It explains the very important concept of scope, and how a Session Segment is different from a User Segment.